Jaime González (Quidel Maihue).

Philosophical counselor and self-improvement techniques in expressions of changes in approaches and looks. He has specialized in oriental philosophy, giving lectures, courses and seminars in Chile, Argentina and Spain. Teacher of meditation and Zen practice.

Specialist in support techniques based on breathing rhythm and emotional management. Practitioner and martial arts teacher since 1977 in the disciplines of Tae Kwon Do, Naikung Do, Areté and Aikido. Impeller of the techniques of Areté that point towards the deepening, dominion and harmonization of rhythms with nature.


  • Friday 7, from 12:10 a.m. to 1:10 p.m., in the Sala Barraca
    Talk: Solidarity, a partnership society. The society we live in works with molds that are highly competitive, these models subject us and we make them habits, acting consequently with high levels of conflicts. We compete with each other in a sick society that does not allow its citizens to develop their full potential.
    Only when we develop solidarity do we change social paradigms for models that are aimed at actively collaborating in the awakening of consciousness and all the potential that people possess.