José María Martínez Hernández

Yoga and Vedanta philosophy teacher.
Advaita meditation instructor.
Transpersonal therapist.
Systemic therapy facilitator.
Body and energy psychotherapist.
Reiki Usui facilitator.


  • Saturday 8th, from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm, in the Sala Barraca.
    Advaita meditation“. Exposition of the Advaita Vedanta canons focused on the practice initiation of Nirguna Brahman, that is, the vision of meditative according to the sadhana of this philosophical school belonging to the Sanatana Dharma (eternal Way).
  • Saturday 8th, from 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm, in the Sala Marina.
    Family Constellation Workshop
    . Bert Hellinger discovered that different cultures, among them the oldest tribes, had a way of organizing themselves and a moral code, which makes them more aware of the role each one has in the community and allows them to relate to others from the truth, from hierarchical respect and from the balance between giving and taking.
    He discovered the fundamental laws that govern the dynamics in the systems or groups in which we interact as human beings: couple, family, work, social, racial, humanity, spiritual.
    The individual, group and spiritual consciousness, as concepts that allow us to better understand the function of transgenerational dynamics, which give rise to difficulties to live our own life, to choose our destiny.